Globetrotting for a strong dollar
Believe it or not, there are nine other currencies that are doing worse than the dollar.By Scott CendrowskiWhen the U.S. dollar gained ground on the E...
吸引并且留住人才是首席执行官们最关切的事情,这是有充分理由的。人事问题既昂贵又常见。另一方面,好员工的效率可能高于表现一般者数倍,凯洛格学院管理与组织学客座讲师、猎头公司Strong Suit Executive Search的首席人才官杰夫·海曼这么认为。他说:“招聘到合适的人会让你获得极好的价...
Retailers: The strong will survive
Former Staples CEO Tom Stemberg talks about the state of back-to-school shopping and what's in store for merchants.By Suzanne KapnerThe number of peop...
Dimon defends dollar -- and JPMorgan
The chief executive officer of JPMorgan Chase said the U.S. needs a strong dollar and that job creation is key to a rebound; also says his bank is not...
Russian 'spies,' goldbugs and the struggling dollar
When federal officials arrested 11 alleged Russian spies yesterday, it seemed natural that the accused agents would be interested in the CIA leadershi...
Why a weak dollar is no strategy for economic growth
The falling dollar could boost exports and help American multi-nationals compete abroad. But any impact it has on earnings won't be enough to boost th...
Is the dollar really doomed?
Maybe the convulsing world financial system isn't doomed after all.Headlines are rife with reports of currency wars and respectable people are talking...
Dollar crunched again
The U.S. dollar dropped to its lowest level since January, even as a prominent Federal Reserve official cast doubt on the assumption that the Fed will...
Central banks start to abandon the U.S. dollar
There are those who would argue that the financial crisis was caused by over-enthusiastic worship of the Almighty Dollar. Call it brutal financial kar...
China's 'death grip' on the dollar
Will China's addiction to dollars lead the global economy into a bruising showdown with inflation?The head of Canada's central bank fears it may. Mark...